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Upcoming. Cultural Day Celebration Event

Coming Soon.…
Admission is Open into Creche, Play Group, Montessori, Nursery, Primary and Secondary…
Premium Towers International School Courtesy Visit to Emir Of Minna Palace HRH Alhaji Dr Umaru Farouk Bahago CON in company of Pupils and Staff.…
Fruits are an amazing source of vitamins and minerals for children and adults. This is a very healthy and delicious drink made from grapes, orange, lemon juice, mango, honey and ginger and will be perfect for sunny day. We teach our students How to make Healthy Fruit Juice & other Menus (Practicals) Step 1 Clean the grapes. Peel and deseed the orange. Step 2 Mix grapes, lemon juice, orange, grated ginger, chilled water and salt. In a blender, blend together…
Premium Towers International School Celebrate Children Day 2018 at the School premises to honor children and minors HISTORY OF CHILDREN DAY CHILDREN’S DAY is one dedicated to celebrate “childhood”, it is On this day that tribute is paid to all children in the world. Children are loved by one and all and they win over our hearts with their angelic eyes and innocent smiles. Children’s Day is an event celebrated in many places around the world. The holiday is simply set…