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JSS Three

THIRD ONLINE EXTENDED HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT CLASS: JHS 3 CIVIC EDUCATION 1.State any ten(10)common crimes in your community and their stipulated punishment. SOCIAL STUDIES 1.List any four (4) ways to prevent drug trafficking. MATHEMATICS 1.The height of a group of boys are 159,155,153,154,157,162,152,160,161,157.Find the: (a)mean height (b)modal height (c)median height (d)range of the height COMPUTER STUDIES 1.List the sources of computer virus. 2.Mention 5 virus warning signs in a computersystem. CCA 1.What is disunity? 2.Mention 5 causes of disunity in a…


THIRD ONLINE EXTENDED HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT CLASS: JHS 2 CIVIC EDUCATION Mention any four (4) democratic institutions in Nigeria State three (3) function of each institution stated above SOCIAL STUDIES State and explain any four (4) reasons for drug trafficking Enumerate any 5 dangers of drug trafficking COMPUTER STUDIES What is number system Explain the following number system: Binary system, octal number system number system, Decimal number system, Hexadecimal number system ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS STUDIES Explain non obligatory or voluntary prayers What…


  THIRD ONLINE EXTENDED HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT CLASS: JHS 1        ENGLISH STUDIES Write a descriptive essay on the topic “The qualities of a good teacher”. MATHEMATICS Page 177, exercise 15j. number 1(a-i). AGRICULTURAL  SCIENCE Explain agricultural extension State any two(2) function of agricultural extension workers. BASIC SCIENCE How best can you describe the shape of the earth? Write short note on the following: i. Lithosphere ii. Hydrosphere iii. Atmosphere BASIC TECHNOLOGY Mention five (5) setting and marking out tools in…

Primary Five

THIRD ONLINE EXTENDED HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT CLASS: PRIMARY 5 EXTENDED HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT ENGLISH STUDIES In your English workbook page 38, number 3. Answer from a – j. P H E Explain Rhythmic activities. Verbal reasoning Page 76 only. Quantitative Reasoning. Profit and loss: page 70, think 42. Answer question number 1 – 5 only. Agricultural science Explain provision of food and water as a procedure for rearing farm animals. History What is a constitution? Mention four types of constitution from your…

Primary Four

THIRD ONLINE EXTENDED HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT PRIMARY   FOUR  Basic science: List 5 products of Technology and their uses for each. {in textbook p 46} In your English textbook p {185] exercise 2 copy and complete the work from (1______5) into your notebook. R. K.{for Muslim pupils only}Write a brief history of prophet Muhammad on the capture of makkah. Q/R: In your work book p {85, test I. Roman numerals, Answer from 1_5}. Agricultural Science: State any 4 dangers of too much…

Primary Three

THIRD ONLINE EXTENDED HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT PRIMARY THREE CCA: Mention four stages production. MUSIC: state the important of music for advertisement. Mathematics: from your text book, page 146. Exercise J(a-e) work it out in your text book. PHE: explain recreation. VERBAL REASONING: page 90 only. CRS: what is forgiveness? COMPUTER STUDIES: explain the arithmetic and logic unit of the CPU. IRS : mention three (3) things that spoils salat (prayer) ENGLISH: in your English work book, page(43),number 3 answer from (a-e).…

Primary Two

THIRD ONLINE EXTENDED HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT PRIMARY TWO Computer studies Give the function of the following parts of as computer Mouse (ii) monitor (iii) printer   Basic science State the movement’s patterns and sounds made by: dog, cat, cow, cock. Lion, birds    Agriculture Explains crabs and snails   PHE Mention the types of family we have   Social studies Mention three ways to avoid harmful substances   Civic Education Mention five qualities of a class monitor   CRS Explain prayer…

Primary One

THIRD ONLINE EXTENDED HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT      PRIMARY ONE  Mathematics: In the workbook Page 111 only History: Mention the names of three traditional rulers in your community Quantitative Reasoning: Page 58 only Home economics: List out two (2) types of toilet you know Agricultural Science: What is plant? Civic Education: Where do Christians and Muslims worship? Basic science and Technology: In the workbook page 34 only Christian Religious Studies: Who created light and air for us to use? Social Studies:…